
Minneapolis mayor must Stand-Down when it comes to president-elect Trump

What’s “horrifying” is that a mayor who promised to end veterans’ homelessness; wealth gaps and address the lack of equity inside and outside the city of Minneapolis would idea, publish and distribute such propaganda to the citizens of Minneapolis. How the mayor connects “Japanese Internment Camps” to the current state of terrorism and the election of the new president is a stretch to say the least. Hodges, like the mainstream media are trapped in an alternative universe bounded by sensationalism and driven forward by racism, hate and the ability to capture simple-minded scare-tactics in an effort to cause more marches, blocking of highways and the tainting of young minds that might be better served learning the historical meaning of a Trump presidency, which I’m sure is not a concern in the least.

Confirmed $4. 2 million: Why wasn’t the Minneapolis Urban League asked to take the lead?

…during the interview, the MUL’s Belton corrected the host of the show who seemed not to have his information correct. “The community (Black folks) did not get $35 million; the $35 million was distributed across the state. The north Minneapolis agency EMERGE and its leadership was asked to take the lead on the $4.2 million that was allocated,” said Belton.

Open letter to the City of Edina, Minnesota: Don’t be a part of Black Chaos

Let me be very clear, racism does exist in Edina, but also in Minneapolis, St. Paul and on a global level. Your city has become victim to a mechanism that forces white-guilt to fund meaningless adventures in Tom Foolery dependent on Jim Crow politics and need to keep “Minnesota Nice” in full working order. The real chaos happens when agent provocateurs (BLM/NAACP) organizers who in some cases have some grandiose agendas of fame, money and cable-network television coverage lose track of the mission of Civil Rights and what Black Minnesotans really need in favor of $5000.00 speaking fees, travel and hotel rooms to talk about how they managed the north Minneapolis Fourth Precinct shutdown and how race is at the center of all disparities. Do we have to mention all of the forgotten who have been killed or had their civil rights violated by law enforcement in the Twin Cities? I know, that’s old, and the new-new is better fodder than the old-old – but still someone died and a group who say they want hope and change looks more like they want the change-$$.