The people in Minneapolis Public Schools District 2 must vote for Kerry Jo if there is to be any change in the Minneapolis Public School system.
By Don Allen, Publisher – Our Black News
Minneapolis, Minn. -Kerry Jo Felder is running in District Two (2) for the Minneapolis Public School Board (website). Kerry Jo and I have almost never seen eye-to-eye on any topic in the community, politics or economic development, but this is one of the many reasons why Kerry Jo makes the perfect candidate for the Minneapolis Public School Boards governing body.
Kerry Jo is a MPS parent. She believes the district belongs to its parents and students, Kerry Jo has worked hard to lift up voices to create solutions that address local disparities and will create schools we are proud to call our own. What this means is Kerry Jo is willing to bring a new voice and new deal for the Urban Mom and families who have been put-off by the process of educational engagement while their children, mostly children of color continue to be drop outs, not graduating from high school and suspended at an early age, sometime kindergarten.
Kerry Jo Felder eats, breathes, and sleeps the betterment of Northside public school students. A graduate of the Summatech program at North High, her passion for this work began alongside a large coalition of alumni that saved North High from the brink of closure in 2010. Since then, Kerry Jo has worked tirelessly in her professional and personal lives to advocate the re-opening of schools (North High and Franklin Middle School), create strong feeder pathways and implement high-quality curriculum models like Summatech and IB, advance efforts to increase diversity amongst MPS staff, and promote full-service community schools.
Kerry Jo is an MPS parent that believes the district belongs to its parents and students. A longtime convener of parents, students, grassroots community groups, unions, and MPS faculty and administrators- Kerry Jo possesses the experience and know-how to navigate systems and inspire
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