Tune in Wednesday, November 2 to the Ron and Don Show on BlogTalkRadio at 8:30pm. We talk about the surrogates spreading bad information to the community. (Link to program – online radio)
By The Ron and Don Show
Minneapolis, Minn. – Community members who cleverly disguise themselves as activists have been spreading a vile lie throughout the community that “a deal” was cut and the black community was successful in receiving over $35 million from the 2016 state legislature. As of this past Sunday on a local public radio station where the Minneapolis Urban League’s president Steve Belton was being interviewed, Belton made it very clear; the community did not receive $35 million – the lion’s share of the amount was supposedly distributed throughout the state of Minnesota to many cultures and missions. During the interview, the MUL’s Belton corrected the host of the show who seemed not to have his information correct. “The community (Black folks) did not get $35 million; the $35 million was distributed across the state. The north Minneapolis agency EMERGE and its leadership was asked to take the lead on the $4.2 million that was allocated,” said Belton.
Belton went on to insert a narrative about an alleged “collaborative” with the StairStep Foundation (who has yet to explain what happened to over $190,000.00 from MNSure); the Minneapolis Urban League who sources say allegedly own money to another local agency; and Sabathani Community Center, which is probably the best agency to deal with (and to get any finding), that has functioning pieces in their wheelhouse.
Now, let’s look at the big picture:
In June 2016, governor Mark Dayton signed into law a supplementary spending plan that includes $35 million in one-time funding for programs to reduce economic and educational disparities between whites and people of color and adds $17.5 million a year in ongoing funding (Star Tribune, June 4, 2016).
What would even be more interesting is to find out what the cuts will be for the Minneapolis Urban League, StairStep and Sabathani Community Center. This in itself creates an issue because according to the 2016 Legislative Summary July 15, 2016 – City of Minneapolis report, the money has already been allocated as follows:
$4.2 million, EMERGE Community Development Grants:
$1.2 million, Twin Cities Rise Grant
$1 million, Minneapolis Foundation North at Work Grant
$2 million, Minnesota Redevelopment Grant Program
TOTAL: $4.2 Million (Source p.8)
With this information posted publicly, how will the “collaborative” obtain funding? At this point under Minnesota State Law, the agencies listed above would have to issue competitive grant RFP, which means that there (at this point) no money just “tagged” for the “collaborative.”Last but not least, why wasn’t the Minneapolis Urban League, obviously a black agency asked to “take the lead” on the $4.2 million? Tune in Wednesday night at 8:30pm to The Ron and Don Show for more.
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