
Matthew Erickson announces his 2016 bid for Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District Seat

Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District is a battleground district in 2016. Republican incumbent John Kline, who began serving in Congress in 2002, chose not to run for re-election in 2016, leaving the seat open. Several Republicans have formally declared candidacy for the seat: David Gerson, John Howe, Jason Lewis and Darlene Miller. Pam Myhra (R) ran briefly, but withdrew in February 2016. At this time, Angie Craig is the sole Democratic candidate. Her competitor, Mary Lawrence, also withdrew from the race in early 2016. The primary elections will take place on August 9, 2016. The general election will take place on November 8, 2016.

The cost of white privilege

Black Lives Matter Minneapolis reportedly sent representative to talk to the Governor recently, but apparently raised no demands related to their concerns about gaps in access to jobs, housing, education, etc. Are they content with tokenism as usual, such as another job training program.