Social Constructs (Social Sciences)

Franklin and Clark are Dead: Black Unemployment at 40% (Minneapolis)

Like Terrence Franklin, in six-months Jamar Clark will fade from all tables of conversations. This is normative history of Minneapolis. The question is will you be a part of a system that addresses the community’s disparities, or will you continue a boutique protest that certainly cannot help Franklin or Clark?

Deconstructing Bill Cosby, Charlie Sheen and the Double Standards of Race

To deconstruct the misnomers in the American (United States) culture, in simple clarity, Sheen was thrown a life preserver, a smile and some forgiveness – for Sheen was a victim of his own lifestyle and he is a white male. The white-male patriarchal system of checks and balances passed on condemning Sheen. On the other hand, Cosby was thrown head-first to the concrete. What a difference a race makes.