Media Contact: Nathaniel Saltz, Interim Executive Director, MACV
(651) 224-0290 Office
(612) 743-2891 Cell
Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV) will be holding the 24th annual Metro Area Veterans’ StandDown August 2 – 3, at the Boy Scout Base Camp at Fort Snelling. Free, on-site assistance for homeless and underserved Veterans will include VA medical clinic, hot meals, clothing, VA benefit information, hygiene kits, legal assistance (including court, federal and state tax assistance), housing and employment assistance, mental health resources, DMV, haircuts, chaplaincy, public benefits information, and more. There will be a free shuttle to and from the Fort Snelling Light Rail Station. Shuttles will also be picking up Veterans from local shelters. Efforts to end Veteran homelessness in Minnesota remain a priority; the Federal government, Governor Dayton’s Administration, Mayor Hodges, and Mayor Coleman, along with more than eight Mayors from around the state, have committed to end Veteran homelessness.
The first Veterans StandDown event was held in San Diego during the summer of 1988. Since then, the popularity of the event has steadily grown. Today, StandDown events are held in nearly 100 locations nationwide each year. It is estimated that more than 100,000 homeless Veterans have received assistance at StandDown events. In 2015, the Minneapolis StandDown drew over 1,000 Veterans seeking services from the 70 agencies present at the event. Veterans attending have access to a wide range of resources. A team dedicated to creating housing plans for every homeless Veteran will be available to assist Veterans throughout the event. StandDown Court will also be held at the event. For more information visit
WHO: MACV representatives, service providers, and Veterans.
WHEN: Tuesday, Aug. 2, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. *Welcome Ceremony will take place Aug. 2, at 11 a.m.
WHERE: Boy Scout Base Camp, 201 Bloomington Road, Fort Snelling, Minn. 55111
Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that has been assisting veterans for over 26 years. Each year MACV receives more than 25,000 contacts, inquiries, and requests from veterans across the state. In 2015, MACV comprehensively served over 1,950 veterans and their families throughout Minnesota who were homeless or experiencing a crisis that could lead to homelessness – and the need for services continues to rise.The mission of MACV is to provide assistance throughout Minnesota to positively motivated veterans and their families who are homeless or experiencing other life crisis. It is estimated that 1% of the veterans in this state, or close to 4,100, will experience an episode of homelessness this year. MACV is there to assist. Many homeless and veterans’ organizations recognize MACV’s transitional and permanent housing programs as a model for the nation. We have a passion for serving those in Minnesota who first served us.
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