Will the Republican Party of Minnesota figure out their messaging while Donald Trump opens all the doors?

Will MNGOP chairman Keith Downey and deputy chairman Chris Fields take another one for the team? (Photo: Google search - Fair Use)

With the growing and popularity of 2016 presidential candidate Mr. Donald J. Trump, one might think local GOP state offices would get a clue and get off the status quo bus of rejecting not only their own, but many looking for a firing solution in Minnesota’s conservative field of play. I mean really, how could you let the local mainstream media mess publish a story titled, “Conservative Backlash Emerges Against Black Lives Matter Movement,” with a picture of the Confederate flag and you, (MNGOP) have no comments?

By Don Allen, Political Forecaster and Conservative Blogger

The Republican Party of Minnesota has always aimed to be the top political party in Minnesota. Minnesota’s fourth and fifth congressional districts are geographically combined urban and suburban congressional districts in Minnesota. GOP candidates are not winning local races in congressional Districts four and five. The state party office is struggling with an overwhelming debt, leadership gone cock-eyed and frustrated supporters looking for the next great Conservative hope that will, without change, become this election cycles sacrificial lamb.

Undying supporters of local candidates have a tough choice in supporting the state party, knowing that some of their donations might be applied to past debt, or sending money to an individual candidate, assuring a donation will be used to assist the candidate during the campaign season; common sense denotes the second choice.

The start-up of a new Republican Party of Minnesota with collaborations including prime conservatives, Libertarians and Log Cabin GOP type might be an opportunity to get media coverage and distribute real-time information about the MNGOP and Republican endorsed candidates. But is this really what the MNGOP wants? Being in the good grace of the chairman of the Republican National Committee in any federal election year has done nothing for Minnesota GOP endorsed candidates. Some of the candidates, who did win, won at great costs by challenging the volunteer-paying Minnesota DFL.

One solution would be to ride on the coattail of Donald Trump.

Trump, the outspoken, bold and to-the-point candidate of the 2016 presidential has shown not only Americans in real time, but those stiff-suits, stick-in-the-ass leaders in the Republican Party there is a method that can change outcomes locally and nationally. But you got to have balls with those stiff upper-lips.

The Minnesota GOP faces obstacles such as public policy, image, outreach, and debt as they try to overcome chaotic internal organizational design, lack of cordial and diplomatic public relations with black American males, and no real or meaningful incoming cash flow from Republican supporters or anyone else. In other words, the Minnesota GOP cannot hire the type of grassroots organizers in the “hood” to help them spread the truth…of course this would be only after they figure out the truths.

This has increased their undesirable debt. One of the most difficult obstacles they face is competing against the opposing party for valuable office positions. Money plays a vital role in this aspect because the party with more money is able to appeal to voters in more ways than the party with less; but that’s common sense 101.

To try and solve this, first of all, the Republican Party of Minnesota needs to develop a user-friendly profile, one that neither chairman Keith Downey or deputy chair Chris Fields have figured out. Since forever, the Minnesota GOP state office has not been able to design and distribute a campaign that would address current political challenges in Minnesota, but chose to only make contact with its current GOP base.

The lack of new and intentional talking points customized for Minnesota’s highly liberal-leaning population that focuses on issues that more people have in common verses antiquated talking points like fiscal responsibility and small government, which means nothing to a citizen without a job fall on deaf ears.

Rather than saying you agree with the U.S. Constitution, why not fight for those who the constitution has failed; work for constituents who are poor, of color, and lack the voice of from conservatives who say they are very concerned with education, civil rights and making sure Minnesota is creating one of the worlds best workforces? Of course it’s a tough sell; the generational perception of bigotry about Republicans has been reinforced by their lack of actions, more so the lack of engagement and the rejection of black people.

We already know that black GOP endorsed candidates could win in Minneapolis and St. Paul, but who in their right mind in a community of multicultural design would step into the box of GOP talking points? Some of us black conservatives already know that Senators Bobby Joe Champion and Jeff Hayden are done in Minneapolis; state representative Rena Moran has seen better days in St. Paul and Columbia Heights’ Carolyn Laine might has well run for senate because based on her activities assisting to dismantle the a black state organization, Laine will carry very few votes from blacks, Hispanics and Asian Americans. The question is, why hasn’t the Minnesota GOP been collaborating with local black American conservatives who could easily win in both senators’ districts and replace more than one state representative?

This is telling in itself.

Part II: Why has the Minnesota GOP been silent on the homeless veterans issue?


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