Tonight another black man was killed in Falcon Heights by a police officer that does not need to be in law enforcement. The revolution starts NOW!
By Don Allen, Publisher – Our Black News Minnesota
Saint Paul, Minn. – Tonight at approximately 10:45 I was tagged via Facebook with a live video feed of a black man, who allegedly had a permit to carry and was stopped by the police for a broken headlight, then killed; shot four-times by a trigger-happy law enforcement racist. This could have been anyone of my friends, me or some I work with. The time to address this is now and we cannot depend on Minnesota’s black leadership, nonprofit agencies, nor the sellouts who currently are requesting money from Minneapolis and St. Paul police department to address youth violence.
We (Black Men), are at war with those who create and determine identity; a group of white males, the media and elected officials who have decided that “if” a black man does not look, act or talk like what they think, he is a threat to society. Historically, the Twin Cities has seen multiple killings of unarmed black men executed by police. In 2010, David Cornelius Smith, an avid basketball fan and member of the downtown Minneapolis YMCA, was executed by stun gun on the sixth floor of the YMCA by Minneapolis police. The video is too gruesome to watch. Jamar Clark and the critical tampering of witnesses that set two Minneapolis police officers free of indictment. This is just a couple of example. Many murders by law enforcement happen to many unarmed black men in Minnesota.
So what’s the black leadership going to do? Well you have good black leadership who will be at the crime scene tonight and tomorrow looking for answers, then you have the black leadership that will be in the mayor’s office attempting to get a grant. The problem with that is not even the black president Barack Obama will deliver an executive order against police killing black men.
In some Minnesota classroom settings, students read texts that describe the black body as “savage, angry, ignorant and dangerous,” with a vernacular far south of the assumed proper version of the King’s English. The historical description of justice for the black American, applied as “unofficial justice,” dates back further than Jim Crow. It continues to promote stereotypes that coexist in the denial of basic civil rights within America’s social, economic and educational constructs for black and brown Americans. With that said, the continual definitions of “true identities” and the mainstream media’s “creation of untrue identities” have birthed an ongoing social stratification characterized by historical devices that lend themselves to indicate the poor, and people of color will never have positive encounters or outcomes with law enforcement, the media or each other.
America’s law enforcement has always been the legal arm of the American sanitation of black and brown bodies. What takes place in Minnesota, and what continues to be the juggernaut of American normalcy past, present and future is the targeted and designed arresting, imprisoning or killing of black men by some type of law enforcement, be it the police, or a lynch mob. In the broad sense, these killings send a disturbing message on many fronts: 1. Self-destructive behaviors are not always black and white; and 2. The same reasons some white police kill black men is the same reason black men kill black men; they see no future or value in the black body.
To understand the meaning of the civil war that will begin in Minnesota, we must be clear on how flat characters fit into a thick plot charged with white privilege, race-baiting, and racism. We must begin by defining the meaning of normalcy in a manipulated society within a dominant-white patriarchal construct that cannot rescue nor redirect itself from historical assumptions of the black body. For example, saying a black male is “angry” has a far different meaning from saying a non-black student is “angry.” If a black person can identify a flaw-in-process to find a better way to complete a task, he’s trying to pull a fast one. If a non-black man sees the same flaw and works in an attempt to fix it, the response is: This guy is great! We should get him a job in the boss’s office. In the one case, a single consciousness rewards privilege. In the other case, the student is damned by double consciousness in which he becomes the normative historical target of assumptions.
The revolution starts today, without the usual suspects!
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