The photo above is the text message sent by Mr. Flowers to OBN publisher Don Allen.
By Quinton Webb, Staff Writer – Our Black News
Minneapolis, Minn. – On Saturday, Sept. 12 at 2:33 pm, the Our Black News business line received a text from our old friend Al Flowers. The text was rather abusive and much different than words used on his Sunday program, “Community Values.”
The text read, “Quit acting like a Bitch, Bitch!”

Al Flowers, community activist, keeper of community values, radio and television host and some who sends inappropriate text messages. (photo: OBN phone)
Our Black News is positive this is a response to a Facebook post by OBN publisher Don Allen who posted on his Facebook page the following status after reading the report by Donald Lewis about the incident involving Flowers and the Minneapolis Police. The comment, on September 11 at 10:30 p.m. read:
“I struggled with this report even after I read it three times. The Donald Lewis report is by far a fair balanced report about the police assault on Al Flowers (DFL). I understand Flowers and his attorney have filed a civil rights violation lawsuit seeking what some allege is a “settlement” from the city of Minneapolis. This bothers me when Flowers was the face of education and taken to Washington, DC by Teachers Federation president Lynn Norgren to represent education in the Minneapolis Public School system, which was frightening to me. If Flowers represents education, I must represent the banking industry. Furthermore, I am confused why Hennepin County and the Teachers Federation continue to fund his radio program on KMOJ. What does Flowers have on them?”
Allen goes on to say, “I listen to Al’s program almost every Sunday. I hear him talk about unity, togetherness and people in the Twin Cities working together. He also says it doesn’t matter about the other persons opinion; we just have to work together as a community to make progress. Al’s text messages are clearly different than the person he portrays over the airwaves.”
The togetherness Flowers is talking about might be skewed to Al himself and the people in his immediate circle. Since the unraveling of the controversial Community Standards Initiative program (CSI), it seems there has been an aggressive uptick on-air and off to position Flowers as a saintly deity for people of color in the Twin Cities, but some says this is far from the real and that Al Flowers and his “crew” do not represent the many black community members that paid their way through college, worked up the ranks and have made sure their children understand life is not always fair, but hard work can get you anything you need.
“So that Al understands, there are three sides to every story; then there is the right side. I’m not saying that the report commissioned by the city of Minneapolis is correct. I am saying is there are too many variables and derivatives that I do not know, which forces me to critically read the report and stand with it’s final conclusion. When I hear over the airwaves like today, the report was ‘sloppy,’ it makes me wonder is there more of a back story we could get from a confidential informant,” said Allen.
The lesson to Flowers and anyone else would be, don’t send abusive text messages to a local publisher; they will end up on the Internet with your name attached to them.
Read the Report of the Independent Investigator: Arrest of Alfred Delano Flowers, Jr. on July 25-26, 2014
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