No, they don’t need signs to tell us our blackness makes them feel uncomfortable and that we should not been alive.
It does not matter; black or white, you are not born a racist. Being a racist is a skill-sets taught to those with a lower-level of thinking.
By Don Allen, Publisher – Our Black News
They don’t need signs to tell us how much they dislike us;
They don’t need signs.
They don’t need signs to treat us like animals begging for our children to graduate from high school; begging for our youth not to be shot down in the street by other youth; begging for that one police officer not to work the shift when my black child is walking home from football practice…
They don’t need signs.
They don’t need signs to tell us we are overqualified, hard working and the perfect candidate for a job they will not offer us.
They don’t need signs.
They don’t need signs when they tell us we are “working on diversity” and the only people on campus who look like me are the janitors.
They don’t need signs.
They don’t need signs when other community members marginalize, dismiss and exclude me from important conversations about my black people; They don’t need signs when my people tell me I hate black people and I do not. They don’t need signs. They don’t need signs when leadership in the black community has been contracted to keep us uninformed, uneducated, undocumented, unemployed and unfit.
They don’t need signs.
It is 2015…They don’t need signs.
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