If you think about it, we have nothing to lose. Black America has sat on the sidelines of economic, educational, social and public policy-making hoping for change. We should take this opportunity during this period of political reconstruction and make the most out of it.
By Don Allen, M.A. Ed. – Publisher – Our Black News
So you want to return to the Motherland because of an election of a white president? The United States has already elected 43 white presidents before its first president of color, Barack Obama (#44), in 2008. Of course we’ve had sitting presidents who did not hide their affiliation with the KKK; as noted are McKinley, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, and Truman. The only real evidence we have on Truman is that he was probably a nominal member of the KKK. With the election of Donald Trump, historically, there has never been so much misinformation, protesting, fake news and the return to seeing color and racism in the United States. Trump was not supposed to win; he was a television reality star; his rural followers are uneducated; white-women, black-women, Hispanic-Latinos and Blacks were not supposed to vote for him.
What happened?
In this post color-blind society that academics professed in their finest pieces of literature, there has been a consistent avoidance of real truths, facts and editorial one-sidedness. Let’s just call it a post-blinder-wearing society; it makes all the sense in the world. In short no, you’re not getting sent back to Africa, they don’t want any Black Americans there either.
For black, white, rich and poor, the United States of America has been a melting pot from people from all over the globe. People that want to have a place to execute their own visions, ideas and businesses; the U. S. makes that happen each and every day. But what happened in the case of Donald J. Trump? How did Trump become a part of a hysterical liberal Alt-Left and the GOP suck-ups that were exposed by Trump’s mantle of ground-ready communications and establishment unraveling? We already know that every election cycle some on the left took the votes of black people for granted surreptitiously citing there was no need to focus on Black Americans because the left had some and more; black voters were not important to the DNC. This was also a bigger challenge in the Republican Party of American. Trump exposed what turned out to be a lack of outreach, connectivity and intersectional collaborations with people of color, especially blacks.
While students on college campuses remain in one-party-classroom shock, and president elect Trump popularity grows exponentially, let’s pay close attention to what’s happening within the White-male patriarchal system of checks and balances:
- The Stock Market: in a story titled, “Why is the stock market so excited for President Trump?”“This wasn’t supposed to happen. In the run-up to the presidential election, everyone was predicting that a victory for Donald Trump would send the stock market into a tailspin. The man is an erratic demagogue who showed no concern for deficits, zero policy knowledge, and was ready to rip up international trade agreements. Surely he’d create a market panic. Yet after some brief jitters following Trump’s win, the stock market has kept marching skyward. The first explanation is that maybe President Trump will be good for the economy after all. This story focuses on the likelihood that Trump and the GOP will cut taxes, spend big on infrastructure, run up the deficit, and cut environmental regulations, all of which will boost growth. This is surface-level plausible, until you look under the hood.
- White Women: The mainstream media went on a preverbal witch hunt to deem Trump “unfit, abusive to women, misogynic,” not the one white-male that white women would want in the White House. It turns out that more than half of White Women in the US voted for Trump despite all the “pussy-grabbing” and carrying on. This should send a message that White women are ready to have their white-male counterparts sitting at the top of the social, economic and now presidential food chain (with an estimated 63 percent of White men voting for Trump, it seems like both were ready to take back the mantle of control and identity)
- Black Women: In the Salon story, “The colorblind sisterhood fantasy: Black women voted for white women — and white women voted for themselves,” it explains what happen to black females in the 2016 election cycle. “Much of the white feminist struggle since has taken the same strategy with the same goal. For many women of color, white feminism feels less like a unified fight for the liberation of all women, and more like a campaign to ensure white women have the same status, rights and privileges as white men, and thus the corresponding power to oppress black and brown people. This election was a painful reminder, and statistical illustration, of that” (Lasha, 2016, para. 4).
Donald J. Trump’s win (#landslide), should not have been a surprise to anyone. Inside of our society is a lustful and voyeuristic need for political fantasy. If there was someone to make all of our wet dreams come true, it is Trump. So now, don’t sit around and whine for four-years, it’s time to put the Republican Party to the test. Don’t worry about the re-counts or the fake news hitting the airwaves about some massive turnover where Hillary Clinton wins; it’s all propaganda to keep the mighty media machine from running out of ideas.
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