I am in awe of the man, the brand, and the image named Donald J. Trump.
By Don Allen, Publisher-Veteran-Conservative
Personally, as an independent conservative that does not drink the kool aid of any major party, I find Trump’s dichotomizing of what it means to be politically correct in some cases, using the rules of postmodernism (which have no rules), and is positioned by one having a skeptical interpretations of culture, philosophy, history, economics and politics, a refreshing way to deal with the boring, antiquated, racist white-male patriarchal system that calls itself the Republican Party of America.
Common sense is not catchy, of course anyone who can reap millions in free, unrestricted network and cable news advertising with just his brand influence, he can certainly be the president of the United States. If Donald Trump wins the 2016 bid for the White House, then is a corporation the president of the United States?
In a 2014 article on National Public Radio (NPR), titled, “When Did Companies Become People? Excavating The Legal Evolution,” the author writes, “Are corporations people? The U.S. Supreme Court says they are, at least for some purposes. And in the past four years, the high court has dramatically expanded corporate rights. It ruled that corporations have the right to spend money in candidate elections, and that some for-profit corporations may, on religious grounds, refuse to comply with a federal mandate to cover birth control in their employee health plans.”
In 2010, United States Supreme Court derailed Campaign Finance Laws, and rules that govern the financing of the nation’s political campaigns, partially upending a U.S. Supreme Court ruling issued just ahead of the pivotal 2010-midterm congressional election season.
Of course this is also the same Supreme Court that decided in Glossip v. Gross that states may use a drug linked to apparently botched executions to carry out death sentences. “Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., joined by four other justices, concludes that a disputed drug used to render condemned prisoners unconscious as the first stage in the lethal injection process works sufficiently well that it does not violate the Eighth Amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment,” (New York Times).
I’m sorry, but does anyone else think something is very wrong?
The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of corporations and personhood blotches the lines between corporate and individual contributions in political campaigns. The ruling also struck down part of the 2002 McCain-Feingold campaign finance law (The Atlantic) that banned unions and corporations from paying for political ads in the waning days of campaigns.
Was the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States being used as a pawn in an elaborate game of liberal control of campaign financing? The ruling did not have any principal if you look at the standing of who would be affected; the ruling did not help Republicans or Democrats.
Enter Mr. Donald Trump and his estimated $10 billion value.
Trump’s personhood or the quality or condition of being an individual person, has given him the opportunity to participate the presidential campaign showboating as Trump the Corporation unbeknownced by many; of course I mean no disrespect when I write “showboating,” because the United States needs The Donald just as he is.
Unlike presidential candidates in the past, he (Trump) does not need money from the public or private sector; but if he becomes the GOP nominated contender for president, campaign finance, under it’s current infrastructure, it will be required to “rain on Trump” in a very big way. According the FEC, public funding of Presidential elections means that qualified Presidential candidates receive federal government funds to pay for the valid expenses of their political campaigns in both the primary and general elections. National political parties also receive federal money for their national nominating conventions. Sounds like a good hullabaloo to be in.
Also from FEC records, in 2012, President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney spent a combined $30.33 every second the election cycle, as a binge of campaign spending deluged voters with rallies, banners, and of course, TV ads. The figure comes from a grand total of more than $1.7 billion spent by both sides through mid-October. Now ask yourself, would Trump spending $2 billion (of his own money), put him in the White House? That’s integrity people.
Now on the other hand, Trump, the man; and the corporation may have more rights than the average American citizen in this case because “Trump” is a corporation, and a living, walking and breathing presidential candidate with the attitude of a hard-nosed business mogul…what, he is a hard-nosed business mogul. The United States, voters and the world is poised on having the first “corporation” elected as president, if he wins in 2016.
Trump, the corporation, has many advantages the average U.S. citizen does not know about as confirmed in a statement by Adam Winkler, Professor of Law at UCLA: “So while a business corporation can’t go to church, fast on Yom Kippur, or travel to Mecca for Ramadan, it can still go to court and, on the basis of religious freedom, demand to be exempted from the law that applies to everyone else.”
Trump’s use of the law has gotten him out of many tight spaces. First things first: Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts. Trump rebounds nicely and in some cases, the general public doesn’t know the difference between a business bankruptcy and a personal one. In minority communities, supporters of liberal-values talking points have been consistent in telling community members that Trump cannot run the United States because he filed bankruptcy…of course this tactic is wearing very thin when Trump’s obvious and current celebrity, money, businesses and television interviews do not show a man down on his luck in the least bit. If I had a choice of naming one of my favorite role, or “real models” in life, Mr. Trump would take first chair; I like to work hard to have nice things; a value misplaced in some American liberal circles. #entitlements
Trump’s rejection of the GOP status quo and their standing in some cases to the “left” of Ronald Regan have set in motion some troubling conflicts within the Republican National Committee (RNC) and GOP offices around the United States. Local state GOP’s wanted to dismiss Trump early on as an abnormality, using the talking point, he was not a “Republican,” (I will talk more about that in my next story).
The Trump strategy is amazing for those who can pull their heads out of the partisan mud and look at the 2016 presidential campaign for what it really is…a return to old fashion politics.
Go Trump the corporation! Maybe someone will ask you what you really want.
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